Saturday 23 March 2013

Changing Times - Changing Names - The Dandylion Club is here!

Spring is here and with the winds of change brings a new name to messychurch wythenshawe. It has served us well but now we are part of The Dandelion Community so our young clan of girls thought it would be best to become The Dandylion Club so we are - as of now! Our next gathering is with others at civic near asda in Wythenshawe from 1-3pm with activities, crafts and creative fun for a messyeaster over the springtime holidays. Hope those of you in Manchester/Wythenshawe will gather to take part together. all sizes and shapes and kinds of families welcome. 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Baking Cattern Cakes for the feast of St. Catherine's Day. We all added an ingredient, shared stories about Saint Catherine and tasted the cakes later with cinnamon and caraway seeds. Yum!